Members Area

Here you can check the latest news on rehearsals, future concert dates, and see who is on the Committee.

June 8th 2024 - Berkeley Church - 7.30pm

To book seats, please click on the image below

Future Concert Dates:


  • Sunday 14th Jan 2024, 3pm - Marlwood
  • Saturday June 8th 2024   – Berkeley
  • Saturday 4th Jan (provisional) - Orchestra Day
  • Sunday Jan 19th 2025        - Marlwood
  • Saturday June 7th 2025    - Berkeley
  • Sunday Jan 18th 2026        - Marlwood
  • Saturday June 13th 2026  - Berkeley

Committee Meeting Dates:

  • Wednesday 6th March 2025 - AGM
  • Monday 23rd September 2024 - Committee Mtg
  • Monday 24th February 2025 - Committee Mtg
  • Wednesday 5th March 2025 - AGM


Concert Notes for 8th June 2024

Saturday 8 June 2024, St Mary’s Church, Berkeley GL13 9BN at 7.30 pm



All black (black shirts for men) with colourful accessories and ties.



Posters and handbills are available as a PDF document which has been e-mailed to all orchestra members.  Please invite your friends. 



St Mary’s Church is at the end of Church Lane, off the High Street and next to the Jenner Museum. 



Parking is very tight near the church.  Orchestra members, please park on street or in the town car park.  Players of large instruments may park in the Jenner Museum Car Park.



There is one cubicle inside the church, to the right of the church door as you enter.



There are plastic chairs for the orchestra, stacked at the back of the church.  Help would be appreciated in laying out the chairs and putting them away at the end.  Orchestra members may wish to bring cushions as the plastic chairs are quite hard.  The audience will be seated in the main pews.


Final Rehearsal

Please arrive at 3.00pm for a 3.30pm ‘baton down’– please don't arrive before 3pm as there will be a wedding blessing at 1.30pm.  Please be patient if the wedding over-runs slightly.

The rehearsal will begin at 3.30pm and should end by 5.45pm.  Tea/coffee will be provided at the back of the church at about 4.30pm.  Please bring your own mug if you wish to partake.  Please bring something to share, cakes, sausage rolls, etc whatever you fancy.


Supper between Rehearsal and Performance

The Committee is organising supper at the Berkeley Arms hotel, round the corner in Canonbury Street, starting as soon after 6.00pm as possible.  The menu has been emailed separately and those attending are asked to pre-order by emailing or speaking to Kelly as soon as possible.


Instrument Cases

These should be left in the side aisle pews to the right of the main seating pews during the rehearsal and performance.


Tickets and Programmes

No physical tickets are required.  Tickets can be paid at the door, or booked online in advance, the link is on the orchestra website. The concert has been advertised at £10 for adults with children going free. Facilities will be available to make donations to the charity, Jigsaw Thornbury, will be prominent.  Programmes will be issued free at the door.


Introductory Remarks

The Chairman will speak briefly before the concert begins.  Content will cover thanks to St Mary’s Church, housekeeping (safety exits, toilets etc), where the money is going (Jigsaw Thornbury) and interval refreshments.  Chris will no doubt introduce the music as the concert proceeds.


Interval Refreshments

The Charity, Jigsaw Thornbury, will be providing and serving interval refreshments at the back of the church.


Jigsaw Thornbury Presentation

A representative of Jigsaw will give an illustrated presentation at the end of the first half, just before the interval.  There will be no speech or remarks at the end.


Post Concert Refreshments

Please help to tidy up. There will be a gathering for drinks after the concert at the Berkeley Arms hotel (location as above).  All orchestra members and their friends are most welcome to attend.


Helpful Links

Making Music - Website




Committee Members  and Roles & Responsibilities:


Chair:   Ken Mitchell  (, website management, concert programmes and posters
Treasurer: Kelly Instrell : Collecting subs, Paying the bills, Preparing Annual Accounts
Secretary: Vicky Jones  (  Minute taking and recording actions from committee meetings and AGM 
Librarian: Janet Lewis : Music Hire, distribution, returns
Charity Liaison: Helen Dee:  liaison with Charities that we are supporting, including 'on the day' participation
Member's Secretary and Concert organiser: Kelly Instrell (   (Orchestra members database, orchestra comms, concert logistics)
Publicity: Richard Kenchinton: ( )Publicity,(local magazines etc), Concert ticket sales..
Other Committee Members: 
Co-opted members of the Committee are:
Musical Director: Chris Hill (
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